The things Mad Max has taught me:
Mad Max taught me how to whistle! I had tried and tried before I got a dog, and once I got Max it just came to me!
He taught me that Pit Bull’s do not deserve the reputation they are given. They have so much potential; you must be a responsible owner, but they are incredible dogs!
He taught me how to be responsible. After all, I was only 14 when I got him.
He taught me to be optimistic “I just know there’s a bone on the other side of this pantry door!”
He taught me patience. “If I wait long enough, she’ll get me a bone”.
He taught me persistence. “If I ask and ask and ask, I know she’ll get me a bone.”
He taught me to enjoy the simple things in life; car rides, walks in the park, a cold drink of water, playing ball, belly rubs, treats, kisses.
He taught me how to be strong. I always admired his strength, physically and mentally.
He taught me what true determination is.
He taught me how to appreciate a day off. I was always so envious of him on the days I had to leave and go to work, while he lay on the bed the entire time I got ready. So on the days I got to stay home too, we would cuddle.
He taught me how to be silly. We would play hide and go seek all the time. We would chase each other around the house and once he turned his back, I’d hide in the closet and try not to crack up while watching him try to figure out where I was with a big smile on his face. Then I’d jump out of the closet and chase him and start all over again. When he would spazz out, we called it “going goofy”.
He taught me not to care what other’s think. You know, that tone of voice you use with a dog that is so humiliating, but who cares, “I wasn’t talking to you anyway”.
He taught me the right way to go about opening a Christmas present…with anticipation and gusto, and once it’s open, don’t stop there, keep at it and show the giver just how happy and thankful you are for your gift! And go ahead and play with it right then and there!
He taught me the true definition of unconditional love.
He taught me how to be a good mommy.
He taught me how to get through anything.
He taught me who to trust and who not to trust.
He taught me how to be loyal and true.
He taught me so much in our time together and I am so sad to have to let go. He will always be in my heart and I will always remember the things he has taught me. Mad Max was the best dog ever.
I know you are still with me; I love you Max!
Sorry to hear about Maxumus, That is beautiful what you wrote. Our sympathies are with you.
I am so sorry! Max was a lovely dog!
Okay, I'm sitting here crying like a big baby! That was really incredible what you shared with us about your experiences with him!!!
We should all have the great fortune to have those experiences.
You ARE an absolutely amazing mom!!!! Lucky Rowin(spelling?)and lucky Max!!
I am so sorry to hear about Max. I totally understand how dogs are really a part of the family.
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