Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Ruth M Brown "Nana"

I still can't believe it. I will miss my Nana so much! She taught me so many things and set such a great example of love and strength. She never hesitated to say what was on her mind, and will take that lesson to heart. I will be forever grateful for having her in my life and know that she is still with us. I love you Nana.

Ruth M. Brown "Nana" RIVERTON- It is with great love and sorrow that the family of Ruth M. Brown announces the passing of a wonderfully unique woman. She left us on July 7, 2009 of natural causes. Born January 8, 1930 in Ogden, Utah to Jesse C. Merrihew and Ruth M. Green Merrihew. Married Frank W. Venneri, later divorced. Married Darrell H. Brown, who preceded her in death. She leaves behind six children, Shauna (John) Jones, Vickie Heaps, Randy Venneri, April McDonald, Tere (Chuck) Hoffhine, Robyn (Scott) Neal; three step children, MarJean (Gus) Boyd, Robert (Marsha) Brown, and Dick (Sherie) Brown; 21 grandchildren, 22.5 great-grandchildren, and loving dog and companion Callie. Ruth raised her children in her image with love and humor. They were her greatest pride and joy. She had an unbelievable connection with her grandchildren. She was always ready to laugh, and "oh boy, did she laugh". She loved hearing and telling jokes and for those who knew her well you'd never grow tired of hearing about her mouse tattoo (or lack thereof). Ruth loved to socialize and made many friends throughout her life that she infected with laughter and smiles. Ruth was often seen all dressed up, always the classy lady. At her home she was surrounded by a colorful garden of her own creation, which mirrored her personality. Her yard art was described as 'obnoxious' by her grandchildren, as were her outgoing approaches to strangers. She never met a child she didn't like and in a grocery store would embarrass those that she walked with by asking others "What isle did you find that baby on?" Ruth is now free to return to her youth and laugh with the passion that once defined her. She will now, and forever, enjoy a bottomless cup of coffee with Carolans Irish Cream, her newspaper in her lap, bent knees, and a pain-free peace of mind. Per Ruth's request she was cremated. A family memorial will be held in her beloved mountains. Donations can be made in her name to your favorite charity. She would appreciate your condolences through prayer, by planting a tree, or sharing a pack of spearmint lifesavers. Mom - Stop washing windows and run naked!

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